Wednesday, November 4, 2015


This week we removed a giant 100+ year old beech tree on School Street in Andover. Once a beautiful tree, it had sadly started to decline in recent years. Here are a pics of Peter and the crew at work.


Now it's up to our new and improved grinder to tackle that stump!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015


It's been a CRAZY busy summer and a lot has been going on for both our business and our family. 
First off - Riki and Ali are engaged! As high school sweethearts this has been a long time coming and we're so excited to celebrate their marriage next fall.

In other news - we bought a newer, bigger crane in Ireland last month! After her long journey across the ocean she's up and running and has already made a huge impact. Here are a few pics from the day "big blue" was delivered.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Technically Spring started over a month ago, but with the especially harsh winter this year it's taken things longer than usual to get going. Driving around town we're finally seeing some trees budding and forsythia taking bloom. We have a lot of projects coming up around the yard (including transplanting this hydrangea) and will be sharing pics and tips here on the blog. Happy planting!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


These past few weeks we've been able to knock out several of the backyard projects that were on hold due to all the snow. Many thanks to our customer, Frank, for taking these great shots of our crew in action!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


We were very happy to be involved with the new Habitat for Humanity project in Tewksbury last month. Here are a few photos from the job site. Keep an eye on their Facebook page for upcoming volunteer opportunities!

Thursday, March 19, 2015


This was the first winter in our 30+ year history that we weren't able to do tree work for the entire month of February. Thankfully we were able to stay busy plowing and by putting our crane to work lifting snow off of commercial buildings, which was something new for us. Now that things are starting to improve, and the first official day of Spring is this weekend (!!), we're forging ahead. There's still plenty of snow around so our pruning jobs have looked a lot like this, but we're back to work anyways!

In other news, the snow cave that's been sheltering this winter's wood stash is gradually starting to disappear, but it was fun while it lasted. Here's Sampson protecting it as only he can do!

Friday, February 13, 2015


It's hard to believe we've spent the past 3 weeks moving snow around non stop - and there's more on the way this weekend/next week. Needless to say, tree work is at a standstill until mother nature gets her act together. Spring has never sounded so good. 35 days to go!